
Labquality´s EQA Programme 2018 is launched | Labquality

Written by Labquality | 19/09/17 21:00

We are delighted to promote our new EQA program for the year 2018. We can offer you full program of high quality EQA schemes and several new and interesting programs to fulfill our important task in the laboratories and point-of-care sites.

Microbiology and especially multiplex methods are on our focus in 2018. We have three new schemes designed for multiplex instruments and tests. New programs cover the nucleic acid detection of the most important pathogens of respiratory infections, intestinal infections and sexually transmitted infections.

Last year we started a completely new product line called Integrated EQA. It is a completely new service which integrates pre-analytical EQA, analytical EQA and post-analytical EQA providing full support to ISO15189 requirements. This year we have all together already 15 Integrated EQA Schemes.

Please visit on our website to find more information of our new programme and download the product catalogue 2018.


More information

Jukka Korhonen

Key Account Manager

+358 50 540 9351

Teija Häkkinen

Customer Service Coordinator

+358 45 773 107 82