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Regulatory Essentials in Health Tech: Clinical Investigations in Practice

Startseite / Fortbildung und Termine / Regulatory Essentials in Health Tech: Clinical Investigations in Practice

Conducting a well-designed clinical investigation is undoubtedly the best way to produce information on the safety and performance of a medical device. Clinical investigations or studies can be demanding, and they often require several stakeholders from statisticians to health care professionals. Planning of clinical investigation should be part of the early development of a medical device to best comply with the requirements. Practical considerations related to the clinical investigation of medical devices are summarized in this session.

The Regulatory Essentials in Health Tech training series consists of 14 1,5-2 hour on-DEMAND webinar sessions. Read more on the complete course page here >>


  • Identifying and verifying the need for a clinical investigation.
  • Defining the requirements and prerequisites for a clinical investigation.
  • Regulation (MDR), national law(s), and ISO 14155:2020 requirements.
  • Compiling and assessing a Clinical Investigation Plan (CIP).
  • Mandatory processes and documentation.
  • Needed approvals from authorities and preparation of applications.
  • Roles and responsibilities & facilities.
  • Budgeting and monitoring of a clinical investigation.


Hanna Marttila
Hanna Marttila
Manager, Clinical Studies
"I hold more than 25 years of experience within heavily regulated life science businesses both in the public and private sectors. I have strong expertise in clinical trials (drugs and medical devices) both in commercial and academic settings in various positions. My working experience in medical device regulatory affairs with worldwide submissions and sales approvals has given me a deep understanding of business practices, laws and regulations."


All health tech developers and stakeholders interested in gaining specific knowledge on how to apply Clinical Investigations for medical devices. Special focus on start-up founders and staff, university innovator teams as well as young health tech professionals and new employees.

Nach diesem Training

  • Know the regulatory considerations on clinical investigations.
  • Are aware of the stages of a clinical investigation project.
  • Understand the necessary roles in clinical investigations.
  • Are aware of the approval practices related to clinical investigations.


This on-demand session is intended to provide a basic understanding of Clinical Investigation practices for medical devices. It is recommended to follow the Regulatory Essentials sessions 1-4, session 8 for Risk Management, and session 11 for Clinical Evaluation before this on-demand session.


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