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Regulatory Essentials in Health Tech: FDA

Startseite / Fortbildung und Termine / Regulatory Essentials in Health Tech: FDA

This on-demand session gives a basic understanding of the U.S. regulations for medical and in vitro diagnostic devices. The regulatory path to the U.S. market and essential items related to the FDA and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration are reviewed.

The Regulatory Essentials in Health Tech training series consists of 14 1,5-2 hour on-demand webinar sessions. Read more on the complete course page here >>


  • Why the USA?
  • What is a medical device and the differences in definitions
  • Intended use
  • Significant regulatory differences between EU and quality systems
  • UDI – Unique Device Identification
  • Software products, including AI
  • Costs
  • Where to get information
  • Practical lessons & stumbling blocks.


Harinder Korhonen
Harinder Korhonen
Quality & Regulatory Affairs Manager
“I am a professional in regulatory affairs with a strong technical background and knowledge in a wide range of analytical techniques. During my 20+ years of career, I have gained a broad knowledge of global market needs and regulations for medical products including drugs, devices, and in-vitro diagnostics. Before joining Labquality Oy, I coordinated registration submissions to the EU, US, Asia, and Middle East Markets. I have contributed to building regulatory strategies for companies, including building, and maintaining relationships with local agents and regulatory bodies. In addition, I have acted as an internal auditor for quality systems compliant with the ISO 13485 standard, US (MDSAP) and EU regulations.“


All health tech developers and other stakeholders interested in how to enter the US market and which are the main issues to be considered when submitting a sales approval application to the FDA.

Nach diesem Training

  • Know the typical routes to the U.S. market and what is required in terms of contents and quality of the submission package.
  • Understand the fundamental differences between the European and U.S. regulations for medical device manufacturers.
  • Have a basic understanding of approaches by the FDA reviewers and “the U.S. way of thinking.”


Following the Regulatory Essentials sessions 1-5 before this on-demand session is recommended.


Lesen Sie hier die Abrechnungs- und Stornierungsbedingungen für Online-Schulungen.

Die Teilnahme an der Schulung kann zwei Wochen (14 Tage) vor der Veranstaltung kostenfrei storniert werden. Bei Stornierungen, die danach erfolgen, berechnen wir 50 % der Teilnahmegebühr, bei Stornierungen, die eine Woche vor der Veranstaltung erfolgen, berechnen wir 100 % der Teilnahmegebühr.

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Die teilnehmende Organisation kann den Teilnehmer auf Wunsch kostenlos wechseln, indem sie dies vor der Veranstaltung schriftlich an: meldet. Die Teilnahmegebühr wird unmittelbar nach der Veranstaltung in Rechnung gestellt. Die Trainingseinheit wird dem Teilnehmer ca. eine Woche vor der Veranstaltung per E-Mail bestätigt. Labquality behält sich das Recht vor, die Schulung aufgrund einer zu geringen Teilnehmerzahl abzusagen.

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